Another success at Astrofest 2018 in W.A
On Saturday, around 5000 people attended Astrofest 2018 in W.A. The crowds once again enjoyed the astronomy festival, an engaging celebration of Western Australian astronomy and stargazing.
Pendoley Environmental's stall was busy all night with Dr Kellie Pendoley and Adam Mitchell on standby, teaching the crowds about artificial light, how it impacts marine turtles and what the loss of our night sky heritage really means.
Kellie and Adam also showed the crowds Pendoley Environmental's custom built technology called Sky42TM.
Sky42TM is a tool that measures artificial light and provides information to people help manage artificial lighting and the effects it has on the environment and on our health.
Email Kellie Pendoley or visit our website to learn more about Pendoley Environmental's Artificial Light Monitoring Service.