Dr Pendoley’s keynote address calls for legislation to manage artificial light pollution
Australia’s first Dark Sky Conference was held last week at the Siding Springs Observatory in NSW. The list of delegates included lighting designers, policy makers, government officials, astronomers, physicists, engineers, biologists, students and dark sky enthusiasts.
Dr Kellie Pendoley’s keynote presentation addressed the current status and future directions for the measurement and management of artificial light at night (ALAN) in Australia, asking the all-important question of “Where do we go from here?”.
Her calls for the formal recognition of ALAN as a pollutant under Commonwealth and State environmental legislation and a risk-based approach to managing the environmental impacts of ALAN were well received and supported by the meeting attendees.
Coinciding with the opening of Australia First Dark Sky Park at Warrambungle National Park, the conference provided a forum for the latest research, innovation, and practice and policy development in the emerging field of ALAN measurement, modelling, management and mitigation within Australia.
For more information about ALAN, artificial light pollution or our Artificial Light Monitoring Service, visit our website, download our Artificial Light Monitoring Service Capability Statement, or call or email Kellie today.