The Secret Life of W.A. Marine Turtles
Tomorrow evening at 7 pm, Dr Kellie Pendoley will answer all the burning turtle-related questions that keep you up at night!
- How long do turtles live for?
- How old are turtles before they breed for the first time?
- How do turtle hatchlings find their way back to the beaches they were born on?
- Why do baby turtle’s hatch from their eggs 1-2 days before they emerge from the nest?
- Why do they almost always emerge from the sand at night?
- How do we know that hatchlings in the bottom of a nest will usually be males while hatchlings at the top are usually females?
- How do baby turtles find the ocean, where do they go once they reach the ocean, and how do they know which direction to swim?
- Where do young turtles go during their “lost years” while growing up from hatchlings to dinner-plate sized juvenile turtles?
- How long do the “lost years” last and where do they live when they reappear?
- How selective are breeding adults in choosing a mate?