Sea Turtle Health & Rehabilitation Workshop
A three-day Sea Turtle Health & Rehabilitation Workshop, held in Townsville at James Cook University, was attended by three Pendoley Environmental team members. Dr Kellie Pendoley, Patrick Becker, and Anna Lewis were among 120 professionals who gathered to discuss turtle health & habitat issues, and learn from each other. The workshop included presentations, demonstrations, hands on workshops, and field excursions. Our team learned capture-mark-recapture and sampling methodologies, necropsy techniques, and rehabilitation skills.
Pendoley Environmental staff will use these skills in the management, care, and rehabilitation of injured, sick, or stranded marine turtles in WA. This experience complements the growing body of in-house knowledge and expertise of Pendoley Environmental scientists and the Pendoley Environmental Oiled Wildlife Response team.
The conference was managed and run by the Sea Turtle Foundation and sponsored by WWF, Sealink, NQ Bulk Ports, NQ Dry Tropics, and JCU’s TropEco.
Visit Sea Turtle Foundation or the Sea Turtle Foundation facebook page to learn more.