Pendoley Environmental are supporting clients by combining specialist services
Pendoley Environmental are in a unique position to support clients with our team of leading specialists in artificial light management and marine turtle ecology, who also have extensive experience in environmental approvals and management.
One of our most recent projects integrated these capabilities to help a client secure environmental approvals by demonstrating that their offshore petroleum activity will be conducted in an environmentally responsible manner.
Dr Annabel Knipe, Adam Mitchell, and Dr Kellie Pendoley began by conducting biologically meaningful artificial light modelling of the petroleum activity. This informed a site-specific artificial light impact assessment of the activity that was planned to occur within 20 km of habitat critical for the survival of marine turtles. The assessment was based on the most recent research on marine turtle ecology and the impact of artificial light.
By combining the team’s specialist skills in artificial light, expertise in marine turtle ecology, and understanding of the Australia’s offshore industry environmental approvals process, we were able to help our client demonstrate to the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) that any potential impact to local wildlife would be managed to acceptable levels.
The assessment also demonstrated that the petroleum activity could be conducted in a manner consistent with actions and guidance outlined in the Recovery Plan for Marine Turtles in Australia 2017 - 2027 and the National Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife including marine turtles, seabirds, and migratory shorebirds.
Our impact assessment and mitigation advice can help oil and gas operators secure environmental approvals and allow activities to proceed in an environmentally responsible manner.
Pendoley Environmental can also provide further support with marine fauna or artificial light management plans, artificial light auditing and compliance support where required. For further information contact Annabel Knipe (